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Een voedingsplan is van groot belang voor een sporter, omdat voeding een directe invloed heeft op de prestaties, het herstel en de algemene gezondheid. Hier zijn enkele redenen waarom een goed doordacht voedingsplan essentieel is voor sporters:

  1. Energy Supply: Athletes require sufficient energy to perform during training sessions and competitions. A nutrition plan ensures that the right amount of calories and macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats) is consumed to meet the energy needs of the athlete.
  2. Recovery: After intensive workouts or competitions, it is important to provide the body with the right nutrients to promote recovery. Proteins, for example, are crucial for muscle recovery, while carbohydrates help replenish glycogen stores.
  3. Optimal Performance: The timing and composition of meals can impact performance. A well-structured nutrition plan can assist athletes in getting the right nutrients at the right time, leading to improved endurance, strength, and speed.
  4. Weight Management: For some sports, it is important to maintain or achieve a specific weight. A nutrition plan can help regulate body weight and preserve the right body composition.
  5. Immune System: Intensive training can impact the immune system. A well-balanced nutrition plan with sufficient vitamins and minerals can support the immune system and reduce the risk of illnesses.

  6. Hydration: Proper hydration is essential for athletes to maintain performance and prevent dehydration. A nutrition plan can also include guidelines for adequate fluid intake.

The evolution of Neapharma energy gels is such that they are nearly as digestible as solid food. Therefore, there is almost no difference in digestibility between gels and solid food. However, solid food is less aggressive in terms of insulin response and has a less significant impact on blood sugar levels, making solid food a more stable and long-lasting source of energy. Energy gels are quicker to be absorbed but also have a faster onset and decline.

Absorption time Bars: 6 – 12min
Effect Bars:  45 -120min

Absorption time Gels: 4 -6 min
Effect Gels: 45 – 50 min

The evolution of Neapharma energy gels is such that they are nearly as digestible as solid food. Therefore, there is almost no difference in digestibility between gels and solid food. However, solid food is less aggressive in terms of insulin response and has a less significant impact on blood sugar levels, making solid food a more stable and long-lasting source of energy. Energy gels are quicker to be absorbed but also have a faster onset and decline.

Moisture in gels for Speed of Absorption
An additional benefit of moisture in energy gels is the quicker and more complete absorption of carbohydrates. Thick, sticky gels can cause up to 50% loss in absorption. Therefore, moisture in gels is advantageous to increase the efficiency of carbohydrate absorption.”

isotonic gels
Isotonic gels are an outdated concept where you receive fewer carbohydrates and overly focus on fluid intake. A good energy gel contains sufficient moisture (without being isotonic) for the aforementioned reason and, in reality, has nearly the same fluid absorption as an isotonic gel but with a lot more energy.

Isomaltulose is one of the most powerful and complex carbohydrates in sports science. It has a slower metabolism than sucrose, resulting in a more gradual increase in blood glucose levels. It is often used as a carbohydrate source with a low glycemic index. This means that it can provide both quick and sustained energy.

It prevents energy dips because of its prolonged effect. Therefore, it is also an ideal substance for carbohydrate loading. This way, with a combination of various carbohydrates and isomaltulose, you can go up to 120g of carbohydrates per hour!

The 6-carbohydrate strategy is the latest insight from top coach and Performance Manager at the cycling team Alpecin Deceuninck, Kristof De Kegel. He researched which carbohydrates are best used by athletes and what the ratio of these different energy sources is in relation to endurance and strength.

He developed a strategy that, when you combine the right sources of carbohydrates at the right time, you can process up to 35% more energy. The key here is alternating between 6 different carbohydrates in the right proportion. Therefore, all Neapharma products have been adjusted since 2023, making us the only brand in the world where this strategy works.

To simplify these calculations, Neapharma has created the Fuel Plan App, where your personalized nutrition plan is generated.

Isotonic gels are outdated in science, providing fewer carbohydrates while overly focusing on fluid intake. A good energy gel contains sufficient moisture (without being isotonic) for the above reason and, in reality, has nearly the same fluid absorption as an isotonic gel but with a lot more energy.

Hydration Balance
Energy gels are potent energy boosters, but don’t expect to extract 300 ml of fluid from a 60 ml gel. It is important to have realistic expectations, as each gel has limited capacity to maintain your hydration balance.

A good energy gel also includes moisture to facilitate the smooth absorption of carbohydrates. The moisture acts as a conductor for the carbohydrates in your intestines, promoting better digestibility. It is always beneficial to have fluid in your gels to enhance proper digestion.

Speed of Absorption
An additional benefit of moisture in energy gels is the faster and more complete absorption of carbohydrates. Thick, sticky gels can cause up to a 50% loss in absorption. Therefore, moisture in gels is advantageous to increase the efficiency of carbohydrate absorption.

Isotonic Gels
Isotonic gels are an outdated science where you receive fewer carbohydrates and overly focus on fluid intake. A good energy gel contains sufficient moisture (without being isotonic) for the above reason and, in reality, has nearly the same fluid absorption as an isotonic gel but with a lot more energy.




Of course, various factors play a role in this. Duration, intensity, sequence, … but nutrition and recovery also play a crucial role:

  • Building endurance starts during the training; drink enough: a dehydrated body can convert up to 25% less endurance building from a workout.
  • Afterward: Everything is proportional: short workouts versus long workouts. For short workouts, effective endurance building is possible. Then we use Pro Leucine: focus on muscle recovery and building. For long workouts, we aim for complete recovery with Pro Elite Recovery. You can find more information and details on the detail page.

“Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, and proteins play a crucial role in numerous physiological processes in the body. For athletes, amino acids are particularly important due to their diverse functions that contribute to muscle building, recovery, and overall performance. Here are some functions of amino acids for athletes:”

  1. Muscle Building and Recovery: Amino acids are essential for protein synthesis, which, in turn, is crucial for muscle building and recovery. Particularly, the so-called ‘essential amino acids’ cannot be produced by the body and must be obtained from diet. They play a key role in repairing and building muscle tissue after intense physical exertion.
  2. Energy Production: Amino acids can, under certain conditions, be converted into energy. This can be particularly relevant during prolonged or intense workouts when the glycogen stores in the muscles become depleted.
  3. Immune System Support: Intensive physical activity can temporarily weaken the immune system. Some amino acids, such as glutamine, are involved in supporting the immune system, which can help reduce the risk of infections and illnesses.

Salts and minerals play a crucial role in the overall health and performance of athletes. These substances, also known as electrolytes, are essential for various bodily functions and can be lost during physical activity through sweating. Here are some reasons why salts and minerals are important for athletes:

  1. Fluid Balance: Electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium, help maintain fluid balance in the body. During exercise, excessive sweating can lead to the loss of these electrolytes, which may result in dehydration if not replenished.
  2. Muscle Function: Calcium, potassium, and sodium are crucial for normal muscle function. A proper electrolyte balance is essential to prevent muscle cramps and weakness.
  3. Nerve Function: Electrolytes are involved in transmitting nerve impulses in the body. A balanced electrolyte status is crucial for effective communication between nerve cells, which is important for muscle contraction and coordination.
  4. Energy Production: Various minerals, including magnesium, are involved in cellular-level energy production. Adequate energy production is crucial for sports performance.
  5. Recovery after Exertion: After exercising, it is important to replenish lost electrolytes to promote recovery. This helps reduce muscle soreness, fatigue, and maintains a healthy electrolyte level.
  6. Prevention of Hyponatremia: During prolonged exertion, excessive water intake without sufficient electrolyte intake can lead to hyponatremia, a serious condition where the sodium concentration in the blood becomes too low.

Athletes can replenish electrolytes by consuming sports drinks, dietary supplements, or by eating foods naturally rich in these minerals. It is important to pay attention to individual needs, depending on the intensity and duration of physical activity, climate, and individual factors such as body weight and sweat level. It is recommended to seek advice from a nutritionist or health professional for personalized guidance.

You are best off using the Pro Elite Recovery after your intense workouts. It is not necessary on a daily basis. For very short, intense workouts (lasting less than 1 hour) or light workouts, it’s better to opt for the Pro Leucine because a full recovery shake is not necessary in those cases.


Indeed, the Pro Leucine has a similar effect to BCAAs. BCAAs, in fact, are a blend of Leucine, isoleucine, and valine.

Full Explanation

Pro-Leucine does indeed have a similar effect to BCAAs. The latter are a mixture of leucine, isoleucine, and valine.

Leucine is just one of the three BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids), but it is the most potent among them (leucine, isoleucine, and valine). It contributes to significant muscle strength, stimulates protein synthesis, and is essential for building, preserving, and repairing weakened or damaged muscles. Additionally, both leucine and isoleucine assist your body in muscle building and recovery after exertion.

Therefore, it is advisable to invest in a supplement with pure leucine if you want to enhance recovery and muscle growth. Furthermore, leucine also promotes increased strength, which is not the case for isoleucine and valine. Leucine is most effective when taken in its pure form.

We often get asked if our supplements can also be used by children. The answer to this is actually simple: yes. All Neapharma products are perfectly suitable for children. However, we would like to emphasize that moderation is key. We also do not advocate for children using recovery shakes or Omega 3 (they are not exactly cheap either).

Of course, it is better to give a child an isotonic sports drink during exertion. The body can use an extra boost during any physical activity, and children do sweat as well. Some 13-year-olds even engage in quite intense training for their age, making sports nutrition a necessity for them too. However, if your child is going for a leisurely bike ride for an hour, there is no reason to equip them like a professional athlete.

All Neapharma products are pH-neutral. Without flavorings and acids that affect the pH, everything is absorbed more quickly and effectively, resulting in maximum outcomes without burdening the stomach and intestines. Additionally, pH-neutral products are gentler on your tooth enamel.

Do you have a strong stomach and this is not important to you? A neutral pH also guarantees faster and complete absorption of nutrients. So, a neutral pH is not only good for your stomach, intestines, and teeth. It also enhances performance!