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We are a Belgian brand that combines science, experience and passion for sport. We are athletes who want to help athletes to go for their dreams…and nail them!
How it all started
The sports nutrition supplement industry is one where half-truths are often told to sell products that are a compromise between what is needed and what really works. As athletes work so incredibly hard at their sport, we felt they deserved the best support and respect for their efforts. Hence, this is why we started making our own products.
Neapharma stands for quality and safety, based on the latest science and fine-tuned by the finest athletes. It is for every kind of athlete who wants to safely and solidly improve their performance and health. We use the highest quality ingredients – in high quantities – for maximum benefit. NO COMPROMISE!
Neapharma’s promise:
We always use the finest products, based on latest findings
As our co-founder is also Performance Manager of the Alpecin – Fenix Cycling Team, we are fully aware of the latest innovations and continuously incorporate them into our products.
Hence, we have a top secret mix of substances in every product. With our Pro-Elite Recovery shake, it is a mix of muscle-repairing substances to ultimately gain more strength and boost recovery for building condition. We change this mix a few times a year to be completely up to date with the latest findings. This way you always have the best products available, guaranteed.
The concentrations of our products correspond to the maximum absorbable amount your body can handle.
Take a look at the amounts of leucine in our Pro-Elite Recovery or how many carbohydrates our isotonic sports drinks contain. You can always be sure that your Neapharma product is the best your body can get at that moment in time.
We not only work with extremely high concentrations of key ingredients, but also carefully balance the ratios so that the most important ingredients are absorbed first.
We make intelligent products. For example, not only do we use a particularly high concentration of carbohydrates in the isotonic sports drinks but use a mix of four different carbohydrates with staggered absorption rates for delivering solid, steady energy. Two are fast energy suppliers, while the other two are slower to avoid that dreaded energy “bonk”.
The quality of our products strongly stands above the rest. We purchase our own ingredients in Switzerland and Germany. Our products are made in the heart of the Flemish Ardennes: Oudenaarde.
Always with Neutral pH
All of the products work for everyone. People with sensitive stomachs or intestines can actually use these products without issues. Only with our Pro-Boost gel is it possible to feel a bit due to the amount of caffeine.
Backed by science
All Neapharma products are formulated by professionals. This means that not only the formula but also the effect of all ingredients are tested extensively. Once the theoretical formula is developed, it is then tested on professional athletes, top athletes and amateur athletes from different countries, in various sports!
Tests are always conducted in a variety of sports, ranging from endurance sports, power sports, competitive sports, aesthetic sports and even motor sports! These tests are necessary to provide you with user-friendly top products that not only work amazingly well but also taste great!
An effective brand
Neapharma uses effective ingredients in high concentrations. No savings on expensive performance enhancing substances and superior raw materials. Our products are adapted so that the absorption of all ingredients is optimal. To avoid digestive problems, almost all our products are pH-neutral. You won’t find unnecessary ingredients in our Neapharma product. This is because these often have no added value, can cause digestive problems and stand in the way of the absorption of crucial nutrients. Choose Neapharma and feel the difference for yourself!
We worked together in the period where Mathieu started to discover how strong he was on the road. Mathieu, 3x world champion Sanne Cant and the entire Corendon team intensively used and further developed our products. It is during this period where we discovered that when you use the Pro-Elite Recovery for a longer period of time you can also pedal more power and wattage thanks to the thorough recovery of the shake.
We remain closely linked to this team because Kristof De Kegel is both co-owner of Neapharma and performance manager of Alpecin – Fenix Cycling Team.
We’ve had a long-standing collaboration with Wout while he was riding for several Belgian teams. In collaboration with his former Sniper Team, we have further refined our formulation of bars and gels. Wout was mainly involved in the formulation of the Pro-Elite Recovery shake. His input ensured that you will not hold unnecessary fluid despite all the proteins, minerals and vitamins – which is a key factor for a performance recovery shake. This way all bad substances like lactic acid will be removed.
Neapharma products are formulated with the endurance athlete in mind. Whether your sport is cycling, running, skiing, swimming, etc., makes no difference. You will equally benefit from all our products as we develop them starting with the human body, not from a specific sport. While we may have a strong background in cycling and work with cyclists on a daily basis, our products are equally strong for all athletes. In fact, 30% of our customers participate in a sport other than cycling.
Our products are developed to optimally support endurance efforts, regardless of the sport. Based on the unique demands of crossfitting, in addition to our drinks and bars for short/long energy and our gels for short energy, our Pro-leucine and Pro-Elite Recovery shake can be quite beneficial to getting the most out of your training. They maximize muscle recovery/building and best prepare you for your next efforts. We strongly recommend leucine over creatine, fyi, as the latter is something you can only use for 3 to 4 weeks before it loses its efficacy. Leucine, on the other hand, improves your overall fitness with long term use (3+ weeks). It is also healthier and more effective in the long run for muscle building and muscle recovery.