Suggested use
When used correctly, you’ll get the absolute MAX effect out of our powerful products. Get ready to break boundaries!

Pro-Elite recovery
When to use
Pro-Elite Recovery shake is best used immediately after exercise. Within the first half hour after an effort, the body and muscle cells are the most sensitive for the absorption of nutrients. Mix this shake with water or your choice of milk, including plant-based options such as soy, coconut, almond, oat, etc. It’s the ideal recovery shake due its high nutrient content, such as high-quality proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals – all in their most absorbable form.
1 serving: Mix 3 scoops (3x40g=120g) with 500ml liquid of your choice within 30 minutes after your workout or competition for optimal effect.
Pro-Elite Recovery Orange ⎸Pro-Elite Recovery Forest Fruits ⎸Article with extra tips

Pro-isotonic Drink
When to use
Pro-Isotonic sports drink can be used before, during and after exercise. Most often used during exercise for continuously replenishing lost fluids, vitamins, minerals. Under normal circumstances, typical intake is one 500ml bottle per hour.
35g per serving: Dissolve 2 scoops in 500ml water. Each container makes a minimum of 43 500ml servings of isotonic sports drink.
Pro-isotonic Orange ⎸Pro-isotonic Tropical ⎸Article with extra tips
Pro-Energy bar
When to use
The Pro-Energy Bar is intended to be eaten just before or during exercise as it gives you immediate energy and power that lasts 45 to 60 minutes (depending on the effort). Ideal in combination with an isotonic drink to provide a continuous influx of energy and prevent hunger pangs.
1 bar per 45 to 60 minutes (depending on the effort)
When to use
Can be eaten just before a long training to provide a solid energy foundation for the first 60-80 minutes as it is a slow-energy-release bar. Can also be eaten during your training if the body requires calories and nutrients along the way. When coming towards the end of a long training with 1 or so hours to go (or for a change in taste), you can switch over to a quicker acting energy source such as our Pro-Energy bar or gel to finish strong. In addition, Pro-Crunch bar can be used as a healthy snack.
1 bar every 60 to 80 minutes

Pro-Energy Gel
When to use
Pro-Energy Gel is to be taken during exercise to keep your energy levels very high. It can also be taken 5-10 minutes before a very short, intense workout such as a race. It consists of a mix of 3 types of carbohydrates which are all absorbed at different rates for consistently high energy. You get maximum energy from minute 4 until ~45, depending on the effort and your body type. This gel also contains valuable minerals (Potassium and Sodium) to replenish minerals used by the body and excreted through sweating.
1 gel every 45 minutes. It is our advice for a long effort (2 hours or more) to work with solid food/bars for the first portion of your effort to obtain maximum effect from gels later on.

Pro-Boost gel
When to use
Pro-Boost Gel is to be taken during exercise to keep your energy levels very high. It can also be taken 5-10 minutes before a very short, intense workout such as a race. It consists of a mix of 3 types of carbohydrates which are all absorbed at different rates for consistently high energy. You get maximum energy from minute 4 until ~45, depending on the effort and your body type. This gel also contains valuable minerals (Potassium and Sodium) to replenish minerals used by the body and excreted through sweating.
With 60mg of caffeine, you’ll feel an extra shot of energy, alertness and freshness within 5 minutes after ingestion. The caffeine effects will be at peak level in your bloodstream in about one hour after you take it. A Caffeine gel must be followed by another Caffeine gel. Once Caffeine is absorbed normal gels or bars wouldn’t give an optimal outcome. This is why it is often suggested to take it in the last phase of your long workout or competition (or 5-10 minutes before your short, high-intensity training), when you need that extra boost most. To avoid stomach issues, our Pro-Boost Gel is pH-neutral just like the rest of our product line.
1 gel every 45 minutes. It is our advice for a long effort (2 hours or more) to work with solid food/bars for the first portion of your effort to obtain maximum effect from gels later on.
When to use
Pro-Leucine is to be taken within 45 minutes after an effort to get maximum muscle recovery and a condition boost. Can also be taken before or during exercise to minimize muscle breakdown for energy. It will also reduce muscle fatigue during exercise as well as minimize muscle damage afterwards.
When taken post-workout: Depending on the effort, take 4 to 8 capsules with a glass of water immediately after training. NOTE: Use Pro-Elite Recovery after competitions/ major challenges where more and deeper recovery is needed. When taken pre-workout: Take 2 grams around 30 minutes before training to encourage a muscle building stimulus. When taken mid/after-workout: An additional 3 to 5 grams can be taken over the course of the workout, either in the middle or in steady increments throughout the training.